Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

Lucy and Ethyl

Kim of Red Dirt Farm and Studio

So, how was y’alls week?

We ended the last week with lovely mild temperature and lots of sunshine.  Oh what a difference a few days make.

The wind is whipping and the temperatures are oh so cold.  Our power was on and off all night.

Snow is expected tomorrow.

I’m so glad I don’t live in Boston.

Last week I left y’all with exciting news; that the chickens were coming, ready or not.

Mr. Cottage and I (well ok – Mr. Cottage) spent a couple of hours fixing up a coop and coop yard for the girls.

Mr. Cottage was kind enough to give up his tool shed.

He cleared his tools out of the building and then got to work building a door.

He had to use what we had on hand, leftover wood from other projects, and old fencing.


It isn’t the prettiest coop in the world, but it works for temporary digs.


Mr. Cottage used scrap pieces of lumber to build their nesting boxes.

With the fencing in place, we were ready for our new tenants.



Meet Ethyl and Lucy.


Lucy is the first out of her box.


Ethyl is next.  The first thing she said was “Lucy we got vinyl flooring, we’re movin’ on up!”


“And a fenced in yard.”

Ethyl on the left and Lucy on the right.

Ethyl is bossy.

Lucy is quick to check out anything new.

I worried about Betsy Beagle, she has a history of chasing chickens.

She came over to the fence and took a good look at them.

So far, she had been good, no barking and no inclination that she wants to chase them.



Lucy says “do you mind, a little privacy please.”


By the next day it was as though they had always lived here.  It was my birthday and they graced me with my first two eggs!

It was pure treasure hunt pleasure digging through the straw finding two beautiful gifts from the girls.


Lucy has darker feathers and she lays darker eggs.


Soft fluffy tail feathers


Lucy always manages to turn a steely eye to the camera


The girls love my coop boots.  The first time I wore them, Ethyl snuck up beside me and unbuckled the strap.

I won’t even pretend like it bothers me, but they follow me everywhere I go and are constantly under my feet.


I purchased this cute basket to gather their eggs at a local thrift store.



Today the girls have been with us for a week and they are ready for their first day of free ranging.

I opened the fence and let them go on their way.


They are touring every nook and cranny, including all the dog houses.



I leave you with a little video, I hope it brings a giggle or two.

It is the egg song.  You can hear Cornelius crow singing along in the background.

Ethyl is the one doing all the talking, she is such a drama queen!

I love being a chicken momma!

signature feather

13 thoughts on “Lucy and Ethyl

  1. artsychicksw says:

    Wonderful photos! Mr. Cottage must have a great big ole heart to give up his tool shed for a couple of chickens ❤ Lucy and Ethel are wonderful! Amazing that they gave you eggs the very first full day with you. Sounds like some good family relations are being made. lol Peace to your heart

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sara – I am one lucky lady to have Mr. Cottage and his generous heart. We are one small happy family! xo kim

      Liked by 1 person

  2. says:

    First thing I noticed about the fence was that you had already decorated with artistic elements. I guess the chickens are Rhode Island Reds? Pretty fluffy tail feathers and my, what beautiful eggs!


    1. Miss Linda, I believe you are correct about them being Reds – at least that is my guess. Yes, I couldn’t resist the urge to put some of the metal flowers I made years ago, on the coop fence. I’ve been dreaming up all kinds of decorations for the future coop. Those eggs are real yummy – I’m trying to be responsible about their diet. We are what they eat. xo kim


  3. Mr. Cottage is a real sweetie~I think the coop is lovely and love how you’ve already decorated it. And beautiful eggs! Yay!


    1. Melissa, I think he is a sweetie too. I put a few of my old flower designs on the fence – spring seems so far away. The eggs are awesome, Miss Lucy is in the coop as I write this working on one for me. xo kim


      1. They are lovely. I’m so glad you got them! xo


  4. Debra says:

    Oh this is so cute! I’m still smiling over the movie! You made my day! I love chicken buns-they are so soft and cuddly looking! They have quite the hen hotel! You guys are good chicken mama and daddy!


    1. Hi Debra -I’m so glad it brought a smile for you. I am thinking of you and hoping you are feeling stronger every day. We love our chicken children! xo kim


  5. Great photos! I have a Lucy (and had an Ethel—i hate foxes) and love seeing your two happy together!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joan – the real chicken mama so far Mr. Fox has stayed away from our place. I know that can change in heart beat. We will build a better coop yard come spring. We are all so happy… Thanks for popping in. xo kim


  6. Anonymous says:

    Kim – a big welcome to Lucy and Ethel. I am sure that they will be as pampered as the rest of the furry family members. Stay warm!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lisa. They are so very loved and I think spoiled – it didn’t take long. xo kim


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